# This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of # this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. from trytond.model import (ModelSQL, ModelView, fields) from datetime import datetime class Recepcion(ModelView, ModelSQL): "Recepcion" __name__= "taller.recepcion" tercero = fields.Many2One("party.party", "Tercero") metodo_contacto=fields.Many2One('party.contact_mechanism', "Contacto") hora_entrada = fields.DateTime('Hora Entrada') referencia = fields.Char("Referencia") descripcion = fields.Text("Descripcion") estado = fields.Selection([("borrador","Borrador"),("registrado", "Registrado")],"Estado") @classmethod def default_hora_entrada(cls): return datetime.now() @classmethod def default_estado(cls): return "borrador"