from sql.aggregate import Sum from sql.functions import Abs, Round from sql.operators import Exists from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta from trytond.model.exceptions import AccessError from .exceptions import PostError from trytond.i18n import gettext from trytond.model import ModelView from decimal import Decimal from itertools import groupby from trytond.transaction import Transaction from import reduce_ids, grouped_slice __all__ = ['Account', 'Move', 'Line'] class Account(metaclass=PoolMeta): __name__ = 'account.account' @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(Account, cls).__setup__() cls.party_required.domain = [()] cls.party_required.states = {} class Move(metaclass=PoolMeta): __name__ = 'account.move' @classmethod def create(cls, vlist): pool = Pool() Journal = pool.get('account.journal') context = Transaction().context journals = {} default_company = cls.default_company() vlist = [x.copy() for x in vlist] for vals in vlist: if not vals.get('number'): journal_id = vals.get('journal', context.get('journal')) company_id = vals.get('company', default_company) if journal_id: if journal_id not in journals: journal = journals[journal_id] = Journal(journal_id) else: journal = journals[journal_id] sequence = journal.get_multivalue( 'sequence', company=company_id) if sequence: with Transaction().set_context(company=company_id): vals['number'] = sequence.get() return super().create(vlist) @classmethod @ModelView.button def post(cls, moves): pool = Pool() Date = pool.get('') Line = pool.get('account.move.line') move = cls.__table__() line = Line.__table__() cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor() to_reconcile = [] for company, c_moves in groupby(moves, lambda m: currency = company.currency for sub_moves in grouped_slice(list(c_moves)): sub_moves_ids = [ for m in sub_moves] cursor.execute(*, where=reduce_ids(, sub_moves_ids) & ~Exists( line.move, where=line.move == try: move_id, = cursor.fetchone() except TypeError: pass else: raise PostError( gettext('account.msg_post_empty_move', move=cls(move_id).rec_name)) cursor.execute(* line.move, where=reduce_ids(line.move, sub_moves_ids), group_by=line.move, having=Abs(Round( Sum(line.debit -, currency.digits)) >= abs(currency.rounding))) try: move_id, = cursor.fetchone() except TypeError: pass else: raise PostError( gettext('account.msg_post_unbalanced_move', move=cls(move_id).rec_name)) cursor.execute(*, where=reduce_ids(line.move, sub_moves_ids) & (line.debit == Decimal(0)) & ( == Decimal(0)))) to_reconcile.extend(l for l, in cursor) for move in moves: move.state = 'posted' if not move.post_number: with Transaction().set_context( move.post_date = move.post_number = move.period.post_move_sequence_used.get() def keyfunc(line): return, line.account to_reconcile = Line.browse(sorted( [l for l in Line.browse(to_reconcile) if l.account.reconcile], key=keyfunc)) for _, lines in groupby(to_reconcile, keyfunc): Line.reconcile(list(lines)) class Line(metaclass=PoolMeta): __name__ = 'account.move.line' @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(Line, cls).__setup__() = {} @classmethod def check_account(cls, lines, field_names=None): if field_names and not (field_names & {'account', 'party'}): return for line in lines: if not line.account.type or line.account.closed: raise AccessError( gettext('account.msg_line_closed_account', account=line.account.rec_name)) if line.account.party_required: if bool( != bool(line.account.party_required): error = 'party_set' if else 'party_required' raise AccessError( gettext('account.msg_line_%s' % error, account=line.account.rec_name, line=line.rec_name))